Monday, April 20, 2009

Counting Stars

This last week was Spring break for my grandchildren. I had the immense honor of spending everyday with them. My daughter would drop them off early morning and the fun would begin and memories made. They would not settle for cereal in the morning as they would say " you are the Grandma, you need to cook us something" so we always started with an awesome breakfast. I live on a property that has quite a few acres of land and very rural and there is a running creek in front of my house . So needless to say we hiked the hillsides(we all have our favorite walking sticks) and actually ran into a king snake, we played in the creek for hours. We caught alot of bugs, some frogs and a couple of small fish and kept them for awhile in old butter containers and coffee cans.. Lots of rocks added to my collection We were bit by plenty of bugs and we figured out the mud from the creek would soothe our bites for awhile. We were scared to death of touching the stinging nettle plants and the poison oak.. We ate wild celery from the creekside and made boats out of leaves, bark and celery string and had boat races. We played on the lawn in the front yard and ran through the sprinkler with the boom box blasting in the background. Planted their first flower garden and figured out quick they do not like pulling weeds. My favorite was laying on an old sheet on the lawn and looking at the sky while we were talking and cracking up.

At the end of the day would have a Tea party or Teef party as the three year old grandson says. The menu would consist of mint tea, cookies and fresh fruit. The tea was served on my front deck, I used the linens given to me by my Grandma and I used the Violet flowered tea set I bought at the Thrift store. I tried to teach them to take their time and savor the tea and the refreshments and the company of each other and savor the moment. I know that I savored every moment...

You know we all have times in our lives that are dear and special to us, that we will always remember. This last week is one of those times for me. Those memories you go back to in your mind and bring a smile to your face and gleam in your eye and good ache in your heart.

One of the effects of the pause (menopause) that does not bother me and I actually can tolerate well is the effect of daydreaming, blank looking face, seem not to be there, staring off into nowhere in the middle of a conversation or working. If you must know the truth my mind is somewhere, it is at a moment in time where I choose it to be. A savored picture or memory or feeling from a past or present time. My true love asks me all the time " Are you off counting stars again?" Yes my love.... I am off counting stars again, but please don't let it upset you or worry you. Too be honest off counting stars is a very nice place to be. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. what you have written in very enlightning. it showa how you have grown over the years.
