Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"The Pause"

Definition of "The Pause" - a cessation of activity because of doubt or uncertainty; a momentary hesitation...This term came about lovingly and laughingly to describe myself at this time and stage of my life and those dear ones that are living through it with me. The term "The Pause" is used as term of explanation of my momentary cessations of brain activity, daydreaming, lapses of judgment and every ache and pain you can imagine. It is the only explanation I can give to my very patient and loving fiancee' for my actions or lack of . All I have to tell him is with my shoulders shrugged is " The Pause" and that is explanation enough. I am 51 years old and very menopausal.
It has taken me quite awhile to be able to even acknowledge the word, or the thought of 'The Pause" (menopause) in relation to myself or my world as I knew it. That word is for old ladies, grey hair, polyester pants, AARP card holder, rocking chairs.........
Definition in the dictionary of menopause- noun Physiology.
the period of permanent cessation of menstruation, usually occurring between the ages of 45 and 55.

I wish it was as simple as the description makes it sound.
But I feel that I am in for quite a journey, including my loved ones that will be on this wild ride with me. Please any and all input, advice,guidance etc. will be appreciated and read and taken with a grain of salt. Join me on this journey in my life and the paths it will take me on. I have to be honest I am scared to death and excited... Explain that ! (shoulders shrugged) "The Pause"


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